“Iskocēs Tipiskak shows how culture, hard work and the right community supports helped John Langan turn a challenging past into being an upstanding role model in the community. This book is a story that can help those who want to understand how to help Indigenous youth be all they can be.”
Wab Kinew - Author of The Reason you Walk, Go Show the World, and the upcoming Walk in Both Worlds

“John’s story will inspire you to become a better version of yourself. He shows you how to overcome life’s greatest challenges and obstacles...READ THIS BOOK TODAY!”
Kendal Netmaker - Motivational Speaker and Founder of Neechie Gear

“John Langan’s Iskocēs Tipiskak is a candid account of his upbringing and his journey into the military and policing. He openly shares what he has experienced and learned. He is a young man on a mission to bring his unique perspective to other Indigenous men and women who faces challenges and hopefully provide some of the tools they can use to overcome them.”
Ernie Louttit - Author of Indian Ernie, The Unexpected Cop, and Insights from the Streets

“John Langan offers a brave, unflinching look at a First Nations family encumbered by dysfunction and trauma and freed by one family members commitment to truth.”
Dawn Dumont - Author of Nobody Cries at Bingo, Glass Beads, and Rose’s Run

"An inspiring autobiography. Cst. Langan has found strength and purpose within his Inidgenous spirituality; and through this book he generously shares that experience with us. It provides an education that is valuable in terms of understanding our community and also as an introduction to cultural ceremonies."
Troy Cooper - Chief of Police, Saskatoon Police Service

"Iskocēs Tipiskak is a vivid journey of John Langan’s life growing up in Saskatchewan as an Indigenous man, overcoming incredible adversity to become a husband, father, and Police Officer. There are so many lessons in this book about the power of identity, love, and courage to bring hope from despair. John Langan is the kind of bridge builder we need to open hearts and minds in our troubled world today.”
Charlie Clark - Mayor, City of Saskatoon

“John was an exceptional student in the Indigenous Justice and Criminology program at the University of Saskatchewan with endless motivation; while studying he was also serving in the North Saskatchewan Regiment, coaching boxing at the Four Feathers Boxing club, studying languages, and raising his family. John was and is a powerful storyteller and role model. This is evident in this book, which takes the reader on his real-life journey and is filled with stories of loss and strength told with kindness and honesty. Future students will benefit from the many great lessons contained in Iskocēs Tipiskak: A Spark in the Dark.”
Dr. Carolyn Brooks Ph.D - Professor, University of Saskatchewan (Sociology).

"Sgt Langan opens his heart and shares his experiences in a remarkably open and transparent manner. He has shown through his journey a desire to learn and grow that is inspirational. I am proud to soldier with him as a member of the CAF."
Albert Boucher - Chief Warrant Officer, Army Reserve Sergeant Major

“Mr Langan’s story is a testament to the human spirit. He sets the example to all of us that by staying true to one's self nothing is out of reach regardless of the challenges in our lives. I am honoured to have served with him and humbled by the quality of a man that was forged through such a crucible of life.”
Ross McVicar - Warrant Officer Canadian Army

"John has written a gritty and honest book that keeps you turning the pages. A well written and powerful story of a man's journey through life and all the struggles that he overcame. John Langan is a gifted story teller and showed great courage in telling his incredible story. An amazing read!"
Preston Parranto - Constable, Saskatoon Police Service

"John's story, like so many Canadian Indigenous peoples, is one of Colonization and all the intergenerational traumas that go along with it, but the story is so much more than that. It is a journey of Humility, taking responsibility, and having respect for the hand one has been dealt. It is a story of moving forward, and forgiveness.
Those who take the time to come sit and listen to the many layered teachings. We’ll each walk softly away with something very special."
Derek Chesney - Constable Saskatoon Police Service

"A great introduction to Indigenous Culture."
Timothy Wiebe - Sergeant, Canadian Armed Forces.

“Iskocēs Tipiskak is a truly inspiring and intriguing book by John Langan. Full of raw emotions as it navigates the reader through John’s life as an indigenous male. His journey of many challenges, defeats and triumphs is captured throughout this autobiography. From his childhood to his career as a police officer, John’s cultural and spiritual guidance is strong throughout.”
Robert Brown - Master Warrant Officer CD, B.A.

"A wonderfully insightful, reflective, and self-aware memoire from an inspiring Indigenous writer. Langan clearly explains Indigenous Culture, Spirituality, and Rituals, articulating how he overcame trauma and channelled negative experiences into "power".
Mike Graver - Constable, Major, Canadian Armed Forces and Saskatoon Police Service. (respectively)

“For anyone to share the intimate details of their life, it takes great bravery and a sureness of one’s purpose. John has done this, from the heart and with complete sincerity….not for his benefit, but for his heartfelt belief that the strength he has gained through his journey can help others see the same in themselves. Not one element of his life is left untouched, and by speaking of each—family, workplace, health, community, spirituality—he helps to remind and encourage everyone who reads his story that we all have the capacity to contribute to, and make better the world we live in.”
Sue Diebert - Sergeant, Saskatoon Police Service

"With intention and authenticity John shares his story of resiliency and overcoming challenges seen by many Indigenous youth and adults. His perseverance and dedication to better oneself through traditional spirituality is inspiring and motivating. A true role model and leader for all”
Joel Pedersen - Chief Warrant Officer, Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker and (Saskatoon Police Service, Ret.).

“As a fellow First Nations officer who has worked with John since he started his policing journey. I found John’s book easy to read and the stories inside to be relatable to almost any first nations person growing up in Canada. John has used these hardships to truly become a leader in his community. He is a ‘practice what you preach individual’, both personally and professionally. He regularly attempted to bridge the gap in policing using his knowledge of traditional practices. I would encourage anyone to read this book. It will give you a small look into the life of a young up and coming leader.”
Tre Jimmy - Constable, Saskatoon Police Service

John Langan is a product of multi-generational residential school trauma, and a dysfunctional family life. Despite all of his hardships growing up, he goes on to join the Canadian Armed Forces, earns a university degree, and joins the Saskatoon Police Service. His book 'Iskoces Tipiskak' documents growing up to learning and embracing indigenous values, traditions, customs, and ceremonies. Hopefully, many indigenous and non-indigenous readers find a positive message and use it to possibly enlighten their lives.
Cameron J. Arcand- Master Corporal, Canadian Armed Forces.

"I have known John for a little under a decade now and I have always known him to be a dedicated individual, to not only his family, but also to our culture, and our regimental family. From the moment I got into the military, John has always been someone I can look to for guidance and encouragement. As a young, untrained officer, I often had him telling me what is expected of a leader, and how to be a better soldier. As a trained infantry officer in the Primary Reserves, I continue to look to John for advice, and counsel throughout all aspects of my life, whether it be the military, or looking for traditional teachings. As a knowledge keeper, John’s words have a lot of meaning for me, and his book will give many people ideas and knowledge to use in their own lives."
Trent Gervais - Captain, Flying Dust First Nation, Canadian Armed Forces

“Spirituality, culture and encouragement. John's story is truly inspiring and paints a guideline towards success for Indigenous youths. Despite the environment given to him, John was able to upbring himself and others with sheer dedication and commitment. Life is like a sail through the ocean. There will always be ups and downs. John's message tells us to appreciate the good times and stay strong in the hard days. We cannot choose the way our lives start, but John proved we have the power to turn the table around for the good, and help others change as well. Meeting John was a blessing in my life. John has the energy to leave a positive influence to anyone he meets, and I cannot be any happier knowing this book will give the same energy to the readers of this book.”
Kyum Cho- Patrol Constable, My Police Partner.

Constable Langan is an important voice at this critical time in Canadian history. Through both his written story, Iskocēs Tipiskak: A Spark in the Dark, and his presentations, Constable Langan is helping teach Canadians about the personal impacts of inter-generational trauma, and the importance of maintaining Indigenous culture and traditions. He willingly share his personal story, which although difficult to share and to hear, is both powerful and
uplifting. He is a very engaging speaker, whose presentation is full of humour and humility, and he leaves the audience with an important perspective on the realities of Canada’s shared history with Indigenous people. His story will stay with you, and will encourage you to do your part to advance Reconciliation.
Katrina M. Swan, K.C. - Executive Director Legal Services
Regina Police Service

I am a social worker with the Moose Jaw Military Family Resource Centre. We have invited John to speak at 15 Wing Moose Jaw on several occasions. John’s powerful story is of inspiration, hope and perseverance. He is proof that through adversity there can be growth. His book is a wonderful guide/tool for those who are curious about and/or wanting to connect with their spirituality and needing a role model to look up to. John’s presentations have left positive impacts on all who have attended.
Jennifer Calkin BSW, MSW, RSW (SK,MB,NS)
Family Liaison Officer, Moose Jaw

John Langan is a wonderful speaker that has the ability to quickly connect with his audience. Our students in grades 10 and 12 were reading his book in class when he came into the school to speak. It was a blessing to be able to download his audio book so the students were able to really connect to him by hearing John read the book to them as they read along. They had a great time meeting him. I am looking forward to being able to introduce John to my new students in the upcoming years. If you get a chance to have John come in, I highly recommend it.
Amy-Lynn Costigan, Chief Gabriel Cote Education Complex

“Help at ceremony. Watch what’s being done there. Learn from others who know, and do it for your life. Someone will point them in the right direction in their lives. Young people, don’t be afraid to help at ceremony. You are needed. This is the only way they will learn to get help. Walk that good road the Creator built for us to walk. Don’t be afraid to ask elders to be okapayos if they need help at ceremony.”
Margaret Keewatin- Elder, Kohkom, medicinalis, my teacher Treaty 4 Territory Okanese First Nation.

“A star carries a special gift from God. To be born on earth, and to take forth a mission to fulfill the human race. Helpers of God’s creation define us as servants to our people. We find our road in faith and believe. We overcome our fear and delusion which we face on our road in life. Balance is our entity which proves our mind, body and spirit that intertwines in our sweetgrass path. That’s where, and when, we start this period of time we are gifted."
Darius Albert- Knowledge Keeper, lodgekeeper, my teacher, Treaty 6 Territory Sweetgrass First Nation

Kise Manito ki-mīyikonaw Pimatisiwin (life)..always respect. Kikāwinaw Āskī- ki-miyikonaw Opikiwin Opikinahāwasowin... Always these...Mistiko Napew Iyiniw gives us Strength… always respect this.. Iskotēw Iyinīw ki-mīyikonaw Okanoskākēwin...always respect this...Kisi-Nāpēw Asiniy ki miyikonaw...Opīkīkwēs Tamākēwin… Always respect this...Respect and love everything in our journey of the Creator’s Blessings.
Barry Ahenakew - Elder, Ceremonial Leader, Lodge Keeper, Language Keeper, Treaty 6 Territory Ahtahkakoop First Nation

“Life is lived as one is able. From innocence to understanding. An individual lives to one's dreams."
Aron Albert- Knowledge Keeper, Treaty 6 Territory Sweetgrass First Nation

“Mr. Langan's story is not an uncommon one in our day and age, however it is not one commonly told. This book is a refreshing narrative on the struggle to do good and triumph over life's obstacles, and succeeding. Insightful while being understanding, this is a testimony of a profound journey that will offer a perspective shift to those unaware of some of the harsh realities our service men and women endure. Introspective to the masses, and agile enough to read while relaxing, this account of Mr. Langan's journey so far is riveting and emotionally compelling.”
Mahekan Ahenakew- Sergeant, Traditional Knowledge Keeper, soldier and brother.

“The road can lead to many ways in life. I am glad you have taken the good. Sing songs on your journey and always think about our ancestors in all the hardships they come to see. Lead the way young man, the children are watching ekosi.”
Sanford Strongarm Sr- Knowledge Keeper, Treaty 4 Territory, Kawacatoose First Nation

“Iskocēs Tipiskak is a humbling, incredible, inspiring, and rejuvenating recount of John's journey for a better understanding and verification on how and where he belongs in the natural and spiritual world. Johns struggles, challenges, and confrontations are inspiring as he took the small steps of a baby to help himself attain the understanding of the balance of the spiritual and natural worlds we all live in. Youth, adults, and readers who are on their journey of discovery will be inspired to gain and receive knowledge of their potential, greatness of what they all can be through experiences of their own. Events in life are different, yet similar with outcomes of the same anger, sadness, joy, and the feelings of success with the use of the teachings of the spiritual world, and natural world of all beings in the Creator's creation.”
Beatrice Cote-(miskaw-piniy-see-ekway), Knowledge Keeper, Treaty 4 territory, Bear Clan, Cote First Nation